Sandstone is a finely-grained sedimentary rock which normally formed under oceans, rivers, and ponds.
This beautiful stone is very hard in nature.
This stone is considered a stone of high-level Creativity.
It enhances your decision-making ability
People who are short-tempered should be used this stone to pacify their anger.
There are a total of 114 Chakras in a human body out of which 7 are main chakras also known as Kundalini or energy channels. 99.9% of the people in this world die without unblocking even their 1st chakra.
7 Chakras are:-
- Muladhara(root chakra) - located in coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum in your body. Represented by red color(Red stone).
- Swadhisthana(creative center) - This chakra is located above Muladhara chakra or just below your navel. Represented by Orange color(Orange stone).
- Manipura(solar plexus chakra) - This chakra is located behind the navel. Represented by Yellow color(yellow stone).
- Anahata(heart chakra) - This chakra is located near the heart at the center of your spine. Represented by green color(greenstone).
- Vishuddha(Throat chakra) - This chakra is located at the center of your throat. Represented by blue color(bluestone).
- Ajna(third eye chakra) - This chakra is located at the center of both the eyes. Represented by indigo color(indigo stone).
- Sahasrara(crown chakra) - This chakra is located at the very top of the head. Represented by purple color(purple stone).
This Bracelet is made up of Sandstone along with 7 different stones such as 1) Quartz 2) Amethyst 3) Rosequartz 4) Citrine 5) Black Tourmaline 6) Carnelian 7) Aventurine.
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Comes with 100% authentic lab certification.
For both Men & Women.
Eye-Catching bracelet.
A durable product to use.
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