Agata falls under the category of semiprecious stones. It is found in multi-colors such as Green, Yellow, red, blue, Black, etc, and is mostly used in fashion jewelry but apart from fashion, this stone has many spiritual positive effects on the life of humans.
This Beautiful Bracelet is made up of Blue Agata stone.
Agata Stones are basically microcrystalline quartz which is produced in a different color in Nature.
This stone bracelet is considered as a lucky stone bracelet.
This stone removes negativity and stabilize the human aura.
It is believed that wearing an Agata stone or even keeping it nearby only, increases the confidence. It releases negative energy which removes sadness, confusion, and irritable emotions.
There are a total of 114 Chakras in a human body out of which 7 are main chakras also known as Kundalini or energy channels. 99.9% of the people in this world die without unblocking even their 1st chakra.
7 Chakras are:-
- Muladhara(root chakra) - located in coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum in your body. Represented by red color(Red stone).
- Swadhisthana(creative center) - This chakra is located above Muladhara chakra or just below your navel. Represented by Orange color(Orange stone).
- Manipura(solar plexus chakra) - This chakra is located behind the navel. Represented by Yellow color(yellow stone).
- Anahata(heart chakra) - This chakra is located near the heart at the center of your spine. Represented by green color(greenstone).
- Vishuddha(Throat chakra) - This chakra is located at the center of your throat. Represented by blue color(bluestone).
- Ajna(third eye chakra) - This chakra is located at the center of both the eyes. Represented by indigo color(indigo stone).
Sahasrara(crown chakra) - This chakra is located at the very top of the head. Represented by purple color(purple stone).
A Bluestone Agata bracelet with 7 chakra stones that looks amazing on the wrist.
7 days of Money-back product quality guarantee.
Comes with 100% authentic lab certification.
For both Men & Women.
Eye-Catching bracelet.
A durable product to use.
Purification of the bracelet is recommended before wearing.
This product is made up of 7 natural stones 1) Quartz 2) Amethyst 3) Rosequartz 4) Citrine 5) Black Tourmaline 6) Carnelian 7) Aventurine
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Note:- Product image is only for illustration purpose.